We have two laser machines to suit every need, but our newest laser machine which uses laser diode technology to make your hair removal experience pain free is the best option. We use ice cooling technology which is rapid and within the laser tip that we use for your appointment.
Pain free
Long lasting to permenant results
Suitable for all skin tones
Prevents ingrowing hairs
Suitable for face and body
Package prices avaialble
You attend your laser appointment every 4 weeks generally and you remove the hair (preferably with a razor) prior to your appointment, we then place a clear gel onto the skin and after prepping you with safety goggles and making you comfortable, we run the laser head over the area of concern and thats it!
Our laser uses quad technology which is new, the best on the market currently and pain free. The laser transfers energy downwards reaching depths of the follicle to create even follicle damage. This prevents and stops the follicle from being able to continue to grow.
You can remove your hair inbetween your appointments, via shaving, as much as you feel you need too - No more growing your hair to come and see your therapist.
We reccomend having 6 sessions of laser hair removal to begin with, then if any areas require more, we can asses at the time, top ups may be required in areas which may be affected by hormonal hair growth or tougher to treat areas.
A full body treatment takes around 1 hour, pain free and every 4 weeks! What is not to love?!
Please book your laser hair removal patch test below, which is a 15minuite appointment, we will discuss your medical history, expected results, your skin type and explain how treatment will work

1. At your initial treatment the hair should be visible on the surface of the skin.

2. As the laser is directed onto the hair heat energy is drawn into the melanin which in turn heats the rest of the hair shaft.

3. The heat either weakens or
destroys the hair follicle. As a result the follicle detaches from the hair shaft.

4. The hair sheds and, without the follicle, hair cannot regrow in the area.
Intense Pulsed Light ‘IPL’
IPL is a light based therapy that works by targeting structures within the skin such as; melanin, blood, and water in collagen, with wavelengths of light to break down the structure and improve the appearance of the skin.
The light pulses also stimulate collagen production which floods to the area; plumping the skin, reducing wrinkles; and resulting in a more youthful appearance.
Medical Therapies
Each therapy uses particular wavelengths to target the problem area. These treatments have fantastic results for a number of skin conditions including; rosacea, pigmentation, acne, broken blood vessels, red and blue facial veins, fine lines and wrinkles.
Excellent results
The IPL medical treatments target melanin, blood, and water in collagen. Skin will look smoother and uneven pigmentation and redness reduced, giving skin a more youthful appearance. To avoid recurrence of pigmentation problems you should avoid excessive sun exposure and apply a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30.
Course recommendation:
For a course of photo-rejuvenation for pigmentation, sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles we recommend a course of 3-6 treatments, 2-3 weeks apart.

A full consultation is essential 72 hours prior to commencing your course of treatment. You will receive a patch test, which will be reduced from the cost of any 6 or 8 session bookings.
We CAN NOT carry out any treatment without a patch test. We usually recommend 6 treatments in 4-6 week intervals. Depending on your hair growth, more treatments may be required.
IPL is revolutionising acne treatment and is proven to be extremely effective in the treatment of acne.
How does it work?
During acne treatment the IPL system releases yellow, green and red light that is emitted in a series of short pulses. This destroys the bacteria that live in the skin and cause inflammation, while the red light directly targets the overactive sebaceous glands that block pores and cause outbreaks of pustules. The light also stimulates collagen production in the area helping to improve the appearance of acne scarring.
How many treatments will I need?
We recommend a course of 3-4 treatments at 2-3 week intervals for the best results.
Does it hurt?
IPL is one of the safest acne treatments available. During an IPL acne treatment the handset does not come into contact with the skin so there is no pain associated with treatment, you might feel a sensation like the flicking of an elastic band and a cooling cryo-handset is applied to the skin before treatment to ensure your comfort.

Vascular Lesions
Thread veins are often seen on the face, especially the cheeks and nose. They can be caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation but some people are simply more susceptible to them and they can be present from childhood. Facial telangiectasias usually respond well to IPL treatment.
IPL therapy treats thread veins by emitting wavelengths of light that are filtered to target the haemoglobin in the thread veins/broken capillaries. The treatment causes the vein to gradually break down over a number of days until it has disappeared.
How many treatments will I need?
Only 1-3 treatments are required at 2-3 week intervals.

As we age, the connective tissue and collagen in our face isn’t as strong or supportive and so we lose the ‘plumpness’ and elasticity we once had. Skin begins to age after 25, but of course not dramatically so at this point. However during our 30s, certainly, changes can be seen.
IPL treatment causes the body to start producing lots more collagen which floods to the surface of the skin, plumping the skin and smoothing wrinkles. The extra collagen will also help the skin regain some of its youthful glow and even out skin tone resulting in a much younger looking you.