Our advanced aesthetic medical practitioner can remove:
• Skin tags
• Warts
• Milia
• Pigment marks
• Cherry Angiomas
• Age spots
We have two methods to remove skin lesions, with Plasma (Heat) or Cryotherapy (Freeze)
We can usually help in the same appointment if possible & is relatively or fully pain free, With our advanced medical aesthetic practitioner
Professional service
Fully Trained & Qualified
Cryotherapy uses liquefied nitrous oxide to destroy unwanted tissue by freezing to -27 Celsius, the cell fluid which in turn forms ice shards that rupture the cell membrane, in turn, causing effective necrosis to the unwanted and/or damaged tissue
Plasma, a special form of a gas that has an electrical energy, to work throughout the skin from the epidermis deep into the dermis. The Plasma causes a process called sublimation which turns a solid into a gas so results are instant with moles, skin tags and warts being removed in minutes.
FROM £65.00
A consultation is required to discuss treatment options and costs
GP or dermatology approval is required for these treatments and treatment is subject to medical history clearance