Below are a list of the most common skin concerns that our clients approach us with and the treatments that we would recommend. For a personalised care plan please book a consultation with one of our specialists to discuss your concerns and possible treatments starting from as little as £15.
Sagging Neck
Darkness Under The Eyes
Jowls & Lower Face Sagging
Acne & Spot Prone Skin
Facial Hair
Pigmentation & Age Spots
Blocked & Open Pores
Skin Tags & Warts
• Plasma Fibroblast
• Cryotherapy
Thinning Hair
Skin Consultation-
Covering Anti Wrinkle Injections, discussions for treatment plans, getting a professional opinion on a skin condition or advice £30.
Skin Lesion Consultation-
This appointment is to asses your skin lesion to decide the best option for removal & discuss aftercare, we may be able to start treatment in this appointment, but this will depend upon the treatment plan £30.
Laser Consultation-
Discuss your laser needs, from laser hair removal to Skin laser therapies, unsure what body parts would be best to start with or how laser can help with your skin concerns, then this is the appointment that is needed. Includes a patch test £15.